All Episodes of Carl Sagan’s Cosmos Are Available Online!!

30 10 2009

Just look at him. As majestic as the Milky Way.


Holy Moley did I cry with joy when I learned this. Our friends at Hulu have put up all thirteen episodes of Carl Sagan’s magnum opus, Cosmos. If you’re unfamiliar with Cosmos, it’s an awesome series. Sagan explores a different topic each episode, outlining a particular feature of our wonderful universe with his characteristic awe and infectious enthusiasm. Stars, galaxies, the formation of the Earth? The origins of the elements, the subtleties of star death? You’ll find it here! I whole heartedly recommend you watch every single episode. Dang, it’s just so cool!
Go now! Go and be entertained and educated!



Are We Alone?

19 08 2009
The Earth, my home and yours.

The Earth, my home and yours. It looks lonely, doesn't it?

I recently received an email. It’s a good one, and the discussion it concerns is important.

Sam writes:

Hey guys,

I really enjoyed the Hubble post.  That was a pretty amazing video!  Between that, and seeing “District 9” this weekend, I was wondering what you thought the odds are that we are alone in the universe?




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Tracing Your Cosmic Origins

30 07 2009

The Crab Nebula, the remains of a supernova which exploded in 1054 AD.  This picture was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.

The Crab Nebula, the remains of a supernova which exploded in 1054 AD. This picture was taken by the Hubble Space Telescope.

You are a star.

I am too.  Every single one of us is.  Every single living thing on Earth- not to mention the Earth itself- is made from materials forged in the furnace of a red super-giant star that lived more than four and a half billion years ago.


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